Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- namespace Plugins
- namespace ae108
- namespace assembly Assemble local data.
- class Assembler A cpppetsc-Mesh-based assembler.
- class AnnotatedElement
- class AssemblerGroup Groups a list of single element assemblers and inherits all their plugins. When calling a method provided by a plugin, this method is called for all member assemblers that have that plugin.
- struct ConcatenatePlugins ConcatenatePlugins is a metaprogramming function that concatenatesFeaturePlugins . It contains a "type" typedef of the concatenatedFeaturePlugins .
- struct ConcatenatePlugins< FeaturePlugins< Plugins... > > Concatenate a single list.
- struct ConcatenatePlugins< List, Lists... > Concatenate two or more lists.
- struct ConcatenatePlugins<> Concatenate an empty list.
- struct DerivePluginsUniquely The struct inherits all the plugins once for the given assembler.
- struct DerivePluginsUniquely< Assembler, assembly::FeaturePlugins< Plugins... > >
- struct ElementTypeTrait Deduces the element type corresponding to an Assembler class.
- struct ElementTypeTrait< Assembler< Element, Plugins, Policy > > Type is an alias for the element type used by Assembler .
- struct ElementTypeTrait< AssemblerGroup< SingleElementAssemblers... > > Specialization: Deduces the element type corresponding to an Assembler group.
- class FeaturePlugin
- struct FeaturePlugins A wrapper around a list of feature plugins.
- struct FeaturePlugins<> Specialization for no plugins.
- struct IsGroupTypeTrait Deduces whether the assembler is an assembler group. By default (designed for the nongroup case) the value is false.
- struct IsGroupTypeTrait< AssemblerGroup< SingleElementAssemblers... > > Specialization: AssemblerGroup is an assembler group.
- struct MatrixTypeTrait Deduces the matrix type corresponding to an Assembler class.
- struct MatrixTypeTrait< Assembler< Element, Plugins, Policy > > Type is an alias for the matrix type used by Assembler .
- struct MatrixTypeTrait< AssemblerGroup< SingleElementAssemblers... > > Specialization: Deduces the matrix type corresponding to an Assembler group.
- struct MeshTypeTrait Deduces the mesh type corresponding to an Assembler class.
- struct MeshTypeTrait< Assembler< Element, Plugins, Policy > > Type is an alias for the mesh type used by Assembler .
- struct MeshTypeTrait< AssemblerGroup< SingleElementAssemblers... > > Specialization: Deduces the mesh type corresponding to an Assembler group.
- struct PluginTypeTrait Deduces the plugin type corresponding to an Assembler class.
- struct PluginTypeTrait< Assembler< Element, Plugins, Policy > > Type is an alias for the plugin type used by Assembler .
- struct PolicyTypeTrait Deduces the policy type corresponding to an Assembler class.
- struct PolicyTypeTrait< Assembler< Element, Plugins, Policy > > Deduces the Policy parameter of Assembler .
- struct PolicyTypeTrait< AssemblerGroup< SingleElementAssemblers... > > Specialization: Deduces the policy type corresponding to an Assembler group.
- struct RealTypeTrait Deduces the real type corresponding to an Assembler class.
- struct RealTypeTrait< Assembler< Element, Plugins, Policy > > Type is an alias for the real type used by Assembler .
- struct RealTypeTrait< AssemblerGroup< SingleElementAssemblers... > > Specialization: Deduces the value type corresponding to an Assembler group.
- struct SizeTypeTrait Deduces the size type corresponding to an Assembler class.
- struct SizeTypeTrait< Assembler< Element, Plugins, Policy > > Type is an alias for the size type used by Assembler .
- struct SizeTypeTrait< AssemblerGroup< SingleElementAssemblers... > > Specialization: Deduces the size type corresponding to an Assembler group.
- struct ValueTypeTrait Deduces the value type corresponding to an Assembler class.
- struct ValueTypeTrait< Assembler< Element, Plugins, Policy > > Type is an alias for the value type used by Assembler .
- struct ValueTypeTrait< AssemblerGroup< SingleElementAssemblers... > > Specialization: Deduces the value type corresponding to an Assembler group.
- struct VectorTypeTrait Deduces the vector type corresponding to an Assembler class.
- struct VectorTypeTrait< Assembler< Element, Plugins, Policy > > Type is an alias for the vector type used by Assembler .
- struct VectorTypeTrait< AssemblerGroup< SingleElementAssemblers... > > Specialization: Deduces the vector type corresponding to an Assembler group.
- namespace plugins
- namespace utilities
- struct DeriveUniquely Derives each of its template arguments once.
- struct DeriveUniquely< Arg, Args... >
- struct DeriveUniquely<>
- struct HasUniqueTypeTrait This type trait compares "TypeTrait<Assembler>::type" for all types "Assembler" in Assemblers. If they are all the same, then HasUniqueTypeTrait contains a typedef "type" equal to "TypeTrait<Assembler>::type" and inherits from std::true_type. If this is not the case, thenHasUniqueTypeTrait does not contain such a typedef and inherits from std::false_type.
- struct IsSingleUniqueType Inherits std::true_type if Args contains exactly one type, disregarding duplicates.
- struct IsSingleUniqueType< A >
- struct IsSingleUniqueType< A, B, Args... >
- struct IsSingleUniqueType<>
- class Assembler A cpppetsc-Mesh-based assembler.
- namespace cmdline Read command line parameters.
- class CommandLineOptionParser
- namespace cpppetsc Manage a distributed data mesh.
- class Context
- struct Exception
- struct GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition Defines a boundary condition that sets the target value (specified by a vertex view and a degree of freedom index) to the sum of scaled source values (specified by a factor, a vertex index and a degree of freedom index).
- struct Item
- struct ScaledItem
- struct InsertionProxy This class is used to provide a "matrix"-like interface (i.e. access elements via operator()) to the Matrix wrapper. PETSc requires that calls to INSERT and ADD are not mixed; therefore specializations of this class only provide one of these methods.
- struct InsertionProxy< ADD_VALUES > This class redirects calls to += to the internal functor.
- struct InsertionProxy< INSERT_VALUES > This class redirects calls to = to the internal functor.
- struct InvalidParametersException
- class LeastSquaresSolver
- class LinearSolver This class can be used to solve linear systems Ax = b.
- struct LinearSolverDivergedException
- class LocalElementView
- class LocalVertexView
- class Matrix
- class AssemblyView
- class Mesh
- struct MeshBoundaryCondition
- class MeshDataProvider
- class NonlinearSolver
- struct NonlinearSolverDivergedException
- struct ParallelComputePolicy The policies configure the wrapper classes (error handling, communicator).
- struct SequentialComputePolicy The policies configure the wrapper classes (error handling, communicator).
- class SharedEntity
- class TAOSolver
- struct EqualityConstraints
- struct TAOSolverDivergedException
- class TaggedEntity A wrapper that adds a tag to a given class.
- class Vector
- class Viewer
- namespace cppptest Testing helpers.
- namespace cppslepc C++ wrapper around the eigenvalue solving functionality of slepc.
- class Context
- struct EigenPair
- struct EigenvalueProblemSolverDivergedException
- struct InvalidEigenvalueIndexException
- struct InvalidProblemTypeException
- class LinearEigenvalueProblemSolver
- struct NoOperatorsSetException
- namespace elements Framework to implement elements and material models.
- struct AutomaticForcesTrait Computes the forces by differentiation of the energy.
- struct AutomaticStiffnessMatrixTrait Computes the stiffness matrix by differentiation of the forces.
- struct Bar
- struct BarProperties
- struct ComputeConsistentMassMatrixTrait
- struct ComputeConsistentMassMatrixTrait< CoreElement< MaterialModel_, Integrator_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeEnergyTrait
- struct ComputeEnergyTrait< Bar< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeEnergyTrait< CoreElement< MaterialModel_, Integrator_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeEnergyTrait< ElementWithMass< Element_ > >
- struct ComputeEnergyTrait< ForceElement< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeEnergyTrait< Minimal< Size_, Dimension_, DegreesOfFreedom_ > > Always returns 0.
- struct ComputeEnergyTrait< TimoshenkoBeamElement< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeForcesTrait
- struct ComputeForcesTrait< Bar< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeForcesTrait< CoreElement< MaterialModel_, Integrator_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeForcesTrait< ElementWithMass< Element_ > >
- struct ComputeForcesTrait< ForceElement< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeForcesTrait< Minimal< Size_, Dimension_, DegreesOfFreedom_ > > Computes the forces by differentiating the energy.
- struct ComputeForcesTrait< TimoshenkoBeamElement< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeLumpedMassMatrixTrait
- struct ComputeLumpedMassMatrixTrait< CoreElement< MaterialModel_, Integrator_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeMassMatrixTrait
- struct ComputeMassMatrixTrait< ElementWithMass< Element_ > >
- struct ComputeStiffnessMatrixTrait
- struct ComputeStiffnessMatrixTrait< Bar< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeStiffnessMatrixTrait< CoreElement< MaterialModel_, Integrator_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeStiffnessMatrixTrait< ElementWithMass< Element_ > >
- struct ComputeStiffnessMatrixTrait< ForceElement< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeStiffnessMatrixTrait< Minimal< Size_, Dimension_, DegreesOfFreedom_ > > Computes the stiffness matrix by differentiating the forces.
- struct ComputeStiffnessMatrixTrait< TimoshenkoBeamElement< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct CoreElement An element that computes energy, forces, and stiffness matrix using a material model and an integrator.
- struct ElementBase
- struct ElementWithMass Extends a given element to also store a mass matrix.
- struct ForceElement A single-vertex element that applies a force at that vertex.
- struct Minimal A minimal example of an element. Note that only the energy is defined.
- struct TimoshenkoBeamElement Implementation of the closed-form Timoshenko beam element as presented in Cook et. al (2002), "Concepts and applications of Finite Element Analysis", 4th ed., pp.24-32.
- struct TimoshenkoBeamProperties
- struct TimoshenkoBeamProperties< RealType_, 2 >
- struct TimoshenkoBeamProperties< RealType_, 3 >
- namespace embedding Embed a point in reference space into physical space.
- struct AutomaticJacobianTrait
- struct EmbedTrait
- struct EmbedTrait< IsoparametricEmbedding< Shape > >
- struct EmbeddingBase
- class IsoparametricEmbedding An isoparametric embedding based on shape functions: x(xi) = P * N(xi). Here, P is the matrix of points p_j where N_i(p_j) = delta_ij and N is the vector of shape functions.
- struct JacobianTrait
- struct JacobianTrait< IsoparametricEmbedding< Shape > >
- namespace integrator Integrate an entity over an element.
- struct ComputeVolumeTrait
- struct ComputeVolumeTrait< IsoparametricIntegrator< Shape_, Quadrature_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct IntegrateShapeTrait
- struct IntegrateShapeTrait< IsoparametricIntegrator< Shape_, Quadrature_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct IntegrateTrait
- struct IntegrateTrait< IsoparametricIntegrator< Shape_, Quadrature_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct IntegratorBase
- class IsoparametricIntegrator
- namespace materialmodels Compute energy, stress, strain, and tangent matrix of material models.
- struct AutomaticStressTrait Computes the stress by differentiation of the energy.
- struct AutomaticTangentMatrixTrait Computes the forces by differentiation of the stresses.
- struct ComputeEnergyTrait
- struct ComputeEnergyTrait< Hookean< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeEnergyTrait< Minimal< Dimension_ > > Always returns 0.
- struct ComputeStrainTrait
- struct ComputeStrainTrait< Hookean< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeStressTrait
- struct ComputeStressTrait< Hookean< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeStressTrait< Minimal< Dimension_ > > Computes the stress by differentiating the energy.
- struct ComputeTangentMatrixTrait
- struct ComputeTangentMatrixTrait< Hookean< Dimension_, ValueType_, RealType_ > >
- struct ComputeTangentMatrixTrait< Minimal< Dimension_ > > Computes the tangent matrix by differentiating the stress.
- struct Hookean A material model for linear elastic isotropic materials.
- struct MaterialModelBase
- struct Minimal A minimal example of a material model. Note that only the energy is defined.
- namespace quadrature Integrate a function over a reference element.
- struct IntegrateTrait
- struct IntegrateTrait< Quadrature< Type_, Dimension_, Order_ > >
- struct Quadrature Contains a static member "data" that contains the points and weights.
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 1, 1 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 1, 3 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 1, 5 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 1, 7 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 1, 9 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 2, 1 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 2, 3 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 2, 5 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 2, 7 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 2, 9 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 3, 1 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 3, 3 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 3, 5 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 3, 7 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Cube, 3, 9 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Simplex, 2, 1 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Simplex, 2, 2 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Simplex, 2, 3 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Simplex, 3, 1 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Simplex, 3, 2 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Simplex, 3, 3 >
- struct Quadrature< QuadratureType::Simplex, 3, 4 >
- struct QuadratureBase
- struct Data
- namespace shape Compute the values, gradients, and support points of a set of shape functions.
- struct AutomaticGradientTrait
- struct GradientTrait
- struct Hexa8
- struct PointTrait Contains a member value that defines the points of the shape.
- struct Quad4
- struct Seg2
- class ShapeBase
- struct Tet10
- struct Tet4
- struct Tri3
- struct Tri6
- struct ValueTrait
- namespace meshing Create / manipulate mesh geometries.
- struct BoundaryRepresentation
- struct BoundingBox
- struct MeshGeometry Very light weight mesh class.
- namespace cppgmsh
- namespace solve Minimize the total energy.
- struct AffineTransform
- class DynamicSolver
- class GeneralizedNonlinearSolver
- class GeneralizedTAOSolver
- struct BoundaryConditionContainer
- struct InconsistentBoundaryConditionsException
- struct InvalidVertexException
- class LeastSquaresSolver
- class NonlinearSolver
- class TAOSolver
- class TransformingSolver
- namespace dynamics
- struct DampingParameters
- struct DynamicState
- struct NewmarkParameters
- namespace tensor Multi dimensional arrays based on std::array.
- namespace assembly Assemble local data.
- namespace detail