Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
- namespace Plugins
- namespace ae108
- namespace assembly Assemble local data.
- namespace cmdline Read command line parameters.
- namespace cpppetsc Manage a distributed data mesh.
- namespace cppptest Testing helpers.
- namespace cppslepc C++ wrapper around the eigenvalue solving functionality of slepc.
- namespace elements Framework to implement elements and material models.
- namespace embedding Embed a point in reference space into physical space.
- namespace integrator Integrate an entity over an element.
- namespace materialmodels Compute energy, stress, strain, and tangent matrix of material models.
- namespace quadrature Integrate a function over a reference element.
- namespace shape Compute the values, gradients, and support points of a set of shape functions.
- namespace meshing Create / manipulate mesh geometries.
- namespace cppgmsh
- namespace solve Minimize the total energy.
- namespace dynamics
- namespace tensor Multi dimensional arrays based on std::array.
- namespace detail