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Class ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView

template <class MeshType_>

ClassList > ae108 > cpppetsc > LocalElementView

Public Types

Type Name
typedef MeshDataProvider< mesh_type > DataProvider
typedef typename mesh_type::matrix_type matrix_type
typedef MeshType_ mesh_type
typedef typename mesh_type::size_type size_type
typedef typename mesh_type::value_type value_type
typedef typename mesh_type::vector_type vector_type

Public Functions

Type Name
LocalElementView (DataProvider data, const size_type elementPointIndex)
void addElementData (const std::vector< value_type > & data, local< vector_type > *const vector) const
Adds the provided element data to the vector.
void addElementMatrix (const std::vector< value_type > & data, matrix_type *const matrix) const
Adds the provided matrix data to the matrix.
void copyElementData (const local< vector_type > & vector, std::vector< value_type > * data) const
Copies the data belonging to the element to data.
LocalElementView forClonedMesh (const mesh_type *const mesh) const
Converts the element view to an element view for a cloned mesh.
std::pair< size_type, size_type > globalDofLineRange () const
Returns the global range of lines (e.g. in a vector) that is associated with the degrees of freedom of this element in the following format: (first line, last line + 1).
size_type index () const
Returns the global element index.
std::pair< size_type, size_type > localDofLineRange () const
Returns the local range of lines (e.g. in a vector) that is associated with the degrees of freedom of this element in the following format: (first line, last line + 1).
size_type numberOfDofs () const
Returns the number of degrees of freedom of the element. This number does not include the degrees of freedom of the associated vertices.
size_type numberOfVertices () const
Returns the number of vertices of the element.
void setElementData (const std::vector< value_type > & data, local< vector_type > *const vector) const
Sets the provided element data in the vector.
std::vector< size_type > vertexIndices () const
The global vertex indices of the element.

Public Types Documentation

typedef DataProvider

using ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView< MeshType_ >::DataProvider =  MeshDataProvider<mesh_type>;

typedef matrix_type

using ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView< MeshType_ >::matrix_type =  typename mesh_type::matrix_type;

typedef mesh_type

using ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView< MeshType_ >::mesh_type =  MeshType_;

typedef size_type

using ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView< MeshType_ >::size_type =  typename mesh_type::size_type;

typedef value_type

using ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView< MeshType_ >::value_type =  typename mesh_type::value_type;

typedef vector_type

using ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView< MeshType_ >::vector_type =  typename mesh_type::vector_type;

Public Functions Documentation

function LocalElementView

explicit ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::LocalElementView (
    DataProvider data,
    const size_type elementPointIndex


  • data Provides mesh information to the view.
  • elementPointIndex A valid element point index.

function addElementData

Adds the provided element data to the vector.

void ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::addElementData (
    const std::vector< value_type > & data,
    local < vector_type > *const vector
) const

function addElementMatrix

Adds the provided matrix data to the matrix.

void ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::addElementMatrix (
    const std::vector< value_type > & data,
    matrix_type *const matrix
) const

function copyElementData

Copies the data belonging to the element to data.

void ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::copyElementData (
    const local < vector_type > & vector,
    std::vector< value_type > * data
) const

function forClonedMesh

Converts the element view to an element view for a cloned mesh.

LocalElementView ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::forClonedMesh (
    const mesh_type *const mesh
) const


  • mesh is a Mesh that was cloned from the Mesh that this view refers to.

function globalDofLineRange

Returns the global range of lines (e.g. in a vector) that is associated with the degrees of freedom of this element in the following format: (first line, last line + 1).

std::pair< size_type, size_type > ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::globalDofLineRange () const

function index

Returns the global element index.

size_type ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::index () const

function localDofLineRange

Returns the local range of lines (e.g. in a vector) that is associated with the degrees of freedom of this element in the following format: (first line, last line + 1).

std::pair< size_type, size_type > ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::localDofLineRange () const

function numberOfDofs

Returns the number of degrees of freedom of the element. This number does not include the degrees of freedom of the associated vertices.

size_type ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::numberOfDofs () const

function numberOfVertices

Returns the number of vertices of the element.

size_type ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::numberOfVertices () const

function setElementData

Sets the provided element data in the vector.

void ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::setElementData (
    const std::vector< value_type > & data,
    local < vector_type > *const vector
) const

function vertexIndices

The global vertex indices of the element.

std::vector< size_type > ae108::cpppetsc::LocalElementView::vertexIndices () const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file cpppetsc/src/include/ae108/cpppetsc/LocalElementView.h