Class ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh
template <class Policy>
ClassList > ae108 > cpppetsc > Mesh
Public Types
Type | Name |
typedef Matrix< Policy > | matrix_type |
typedef Policy | policy_type |
typedef PetscReal | real_type |
typedef PetscInt | size_type |
typedef PetscScalar | value_type |
typedef Vector< Policy > | vector_type |
Public Static Attributes
Type | Name |
constexpr size_type | IGNORE_VERTEX_INDEX = -1 |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
void | addToGlobalVector (const local< vector_type > & localVector, distributed< vector_type > *const globalVector) const Add the values in the local vector to the corresponding values in the global vector. |
Mesh | cloneWithDofs (const size_type dofPerVertex, const size_type dofPerElement) const Clone the mesh with a different default section. |
size_type | coordinateDimension () const Returns the dimension of the coordinates. |
void | copyToGlobalVector (const local< vector_type > & localVector, distributed< vector_type > *const globalVector) const Copy the values in the local vector to the corresponding values in the global vector. |
void | copyToLocalVector (const distributed< vector_type > & globalVector, local< vector_type > *const localVector) const Fill the local vector with the corresponding values from the global vector. |
DM | data () const Returns the internal mesh. |
distributed< vector_type > | fromCanonicalOrder (const distributed< vector_type > & vector) const Returns a global vector in PETSc's row order transformed from the provided vector in canonical row order (the degrees of freedom of the elements sorted by global index, followed by the degrees of freedom of the vertices sorted by global index). |
Mesh< Policy > | fromConnectivity (const size_type dimension, const Container & elementVertexIDs, const size_type numberOfVertices, const size_type dofPerVertex, const size_type dofPerElement) |
auto | localElements () const Makes it possible to iterate over (views of) the local elements. |
size_type | localNumberOfElements () const Returns the local number of elements in the mesh. |
size_type | localNumberOfVertices () const Returns the local number of vertices in the mesh. |
auto | localVertices () const Makes it possible to iterate over (views of) the local vertices. |
void | print () const Prints the mesh to stdout. |
distributed< vector_type > | toCanonicalOrder (const distributed< vector_type > & vector) const Returns a global vector in canonical row order (the degrees of freedom of the elements sorted by global index, followed by the degrees of freedom of the vertices sorted by global index) transformed from the provided vector in PETSc's row order. |
matrix_type | toCanonicalOrder (const matrix_type & matrix) const Returns a matrix in canonical row/column order (the degrees of freedom of the elements sorted by global index, followed by the degrees of freedom of the vertices sorted by global index) transformed from the provided matrix in PETSc's row/column order. |
size_type | totalNumberOfElements () const Returns the total number of elements in the mesh. |
size_type | totalNumberOfVertices () const Returns the total number of vertices in the mesh. |
Public Static Functions
Type | Name |
Mesh | fromConnectivity (const size_type dimension, const Container & elementVertexIDs, const size_type numberOfVertices, const size_type dofPerVertex, const size_type dofPerElement=0) Creates a Mesh from the connectivity representation. |
Public Types Documentation
typedef matrix_type
using ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh< Policy >::matrix_type = Matrix<Policy>;
typedef policy_type
using ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh< Policy >::policy_type = Policy;
typedef real_type
using ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh< Policy >::real_type = PetscReal;
typedef size_type
using ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh< Policy >::size_type = PetscInt;
typedef value_type
using ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh< Policy >::value_type = PetscScalar;
typedef vector_type
using ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh< Policy >::vector_type = Vector<Policy>;
Public Static Attributes Documentation
constexpr size_type ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh< Policy >::IGNORE_VERTEX_INDEX;
Public Functions Documentation
function addToGlobalVector
Add the values in the local vector to the corresponding values in the global vector.
void ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::addToGlobalVector (
const local < vector_type > & localVector,
distributed < vector_type > *const globalVector
) const
function cloneWithDofs
Clone the mesh with a different default section.
Mesh ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::cloneWithDofs (
const size_type dofPerVertex,
const size_type dofPerElement
) const
function coordinateDimension
Returns the dimension of the coordinates.
size_type ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::coordinateDimension () const
function copyToGlobalVector
Copy the values in the local vector to the corresponding values in the global vector.
void ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::copyToGlobalVector (
const local < vector_type > & localVector,
distributed < vector_type > *const globalVector
) const
Be careful with overlapping areas (e.g. for ghost points) on different nodes.
function copyToLocalVector
Fill the local vector with the corresponding values from the global vector.
void ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::copyToLocalVector (
const distributed < vector_type > & globalVector,
local < vector_type > *const localVector
) const
function data
Returns the internal mesh.
DM ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::data () const
For internal use only.
function fromCanonicalOrder
Returns a global vector in PETSc's row order transformed from the provided vector in canonical row order (the degrees of freedom of the elements sorted by global index, followed by the degrees of freedom of the vertices sorted by global index).
distributed < vector_type > ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::fromCanonicalOrder (
const distributed < vector_type > & vector
) const
function fromConnectivity [2/2]
template<class Container>
Mesh < Policy > ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::fromConnectivity (
const size_type dimension,
const Container & elementVertexIDs,
const size_type numberOfVertices,
const size_type dofPerVertex,
const size_type dofPerElement
function localElements
Makes it possible to iterate over (views of) the local elements.
auto ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::localElements () const
function localNumberOfElements
Returns the local number of elements in the mesh.
size_type ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::localNumberOfElements () const
function localNumberOfVertices
Returns the local number of vertices in the mesh.
size_type ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::localNumberOfVertices () const
function localVertices
Makes it possible to iterate over (views of) the local vertices.
auto ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::localVertices () const
function print
Prints the mesh to stdout.
void ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::print () const
function toCanonicalOrder [1/2]
Returns a global vector in canonical row order (the degrees of freedom of the elements sorted by global index, followed by the degrees of freedom of the vertices sorted by global index) transformed from the provided vector in PETSc's row order.
distributed < vector_type > ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::toCanonicalOrder (
const distributed < vector_type > & vector
) const
function toCanonicalOrder [2/2]
Returns a matrix in canonical row/column order (the degrees of freedom of the elements sorted by global index, followed by the degrees of freedom of the vertices sorted by global index) transformed from the provided matrix in PETSc's row/column order.
matrix_type ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::toCanonicalOrder (
const matrix_type & matrix
) const
function totalNumberOfElements
Returns the total number of elements in the mesh.
size_type ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::totalNumberOfElements () const
function totalNumberOfVertices
Returns the total number of vertices in the mesh.
size_type ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::totalNumberOfVertices () const
Public Static Functions Documentation
function fromConnectivity [1/2]
Creates a Mesh from the connectivity representation.
template<class Container>
static Mesh ae108::cpppetsc::Mesh::fromConnectivity (
const size_type dimension,
const Container & elementVertexIDs,
const size_type numberOfVertices,
const size_type dofPerVertex,
const size_type dofPerElement=0
Template parameters:
Requirements: size(); Container::value_type requirements: size(), data().
The coordinate dimension.elementVertexIDs
A container of containers: the container at index i contains the vertex IDs of the element with index i. Each vertex ID must lie in [0, numberOfVertices) u {IGNORE_VERTEX_INDEX}. IDs of value IGNORE_VERTEX_INDEX are ignored.numberOfVertices
The maximum vertex ID in the mesh.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file cpppetsc/src/include/ae108/cpppetsc/Mesh.h