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Namespace ae108::elements::integrator

Namespace List > ae108 > elements > integrator

Integrate an entity over an element. More...


Type Name
struct ComputeVolumeTrait <class Integrator>
struct ComputeVolumeTrait< IsoparametricIntegrator< Shape_, Quadrature_, ValueType_, RealType_ > > <class Shape_, class Quadrature_, class ValueType_, class RealType_>
struct IntegrateShapeTrait <class Integrator>
struct IntegrateShapeTrait< IsoparametricIntegrator< Shape_, Quadrature_, ValueType_, RealType_ > > <class Shape_, class Quadrature_, class ValueType_, class RealType_>
struct IntegrateTrait <class Integrator>
struct IntegrateTrait< IsoparametricIntegrator< Shape_, Quadrature_, ValueType_, RealType_ > > <class Shape_, class Quadrature_, class ValueType_, class RealType_>
struct IntegratorBase <class SizeType_, class ValueType_, class RealType_, Size_, Dimension_>
class IsoparametricIntegrator <class Shape_, class Quadrature_, class ValueType_, class RealType_>

Public Functions

Type Name
std::decay_t< R > integrate (const Integrator & integrator, F && f, const DiscretizedFunction & u, R && init) noexcept
std::decay_t< R > integrate_shape (const Integrator & integrator, F && f, R && init) noexcept
Integrates the function numerically. Passes 2 parameters at every quadrature point: the index of the quadrature point, the value of the shape functions at the quadrature point.
Integrator::real_type volume (const Integrator & integrator) noexcept
Integrates the constant function 1.

Detailed Description

Provides a trait to integrate an entity over an element.

There’s also an implementation of an @ IsoparametricIntegrator, which uses an isoparametric embedding, a set of shape functions, and a quadrature rule in reference space to integrate entities.

Public Functions Documentation

function integrate

template<class Integrator, class R, class F, class DiscretizedFunction>
std::decay_t< R > ae108::elements::integrator::integrate (
    const Integrator & integrator,
    F && f,
    const DiscretizedFunction & u,
    R && init
) noexcept

Template parameters:

  • DiscretizedFunction Equal to an Integrator::DiscretizedFunction<...>.

function integrate_shape

Integrates the function numerically. Passes 2 parameters at every quadrature point: the index of the quadrature point, the value of the shape functions at the quadrature point.

template<class Integrator, class R, class F>
std::decay_t< R > ae108::elements::integrator::integrate_shape (
    const Integrator & integrator,
    F && f,
    R && init
) noexcept

function volume

Integrates the constant function 1.

template<class Integrator>
Integrator::real_type ae108::elements::integrator::volume (
    const Integrator & integrator
) noexcept

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file elements/src/include/ae108/elements/integrator/compute_volume.h