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Struct ae108::cpppetsc::GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition

template <class MeshType>

ClassList > ae108 > cpppetsc > GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition

Defines a boundary condition that sets the target value (specified by a vertex view and a degree of freedom index) to the sum of scaled source values (specified by a factor, a vertex index and a degree of freedom index).

  • #include <GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition.h>


Type Name
struct Item
struct ScaledItem <class Item>

Public Types

Type Name
typedef typename MeshType::size_type size_type
typedef std::vector< ScaledItem< Item > > sources_type
typedef Item target_type
typedef typename MeshType::value_type value_type

Public Attributes

Type Name
value_type offset
sources_type source
target_type target

Public Types Documentation

typedef size_type

using ae108::cpppetsc::GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition< MeshType >::size_type =  typename MeshType::size_type;

typedef sources_type

using ae108::cpppetsc::GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition< MeshType >::sources_type =  std::vector<ScaledItem<Item> >;

typedef target_type

using ae108::cpppetsc::GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition< MeshType >::target_type =  Item;

typedef value_type

using ae108::cpppetsc::GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition< MeshType >::value_type =  typename MeshType::value_type;

Public Attributes Documentation

variable offset

value_type ae108::cpppetsc::GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition< MeshType >::offset;

variable source

sources_type ae108::cpppetsc::GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition< MeshType >::source;

variable target

target_type ae108::cpppetsc::GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition< MeshType >::target;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file cpppetsc/src/include/ae108/cpppetsc/GeneralizedMeshBoundaryCondition.h