Struct ae108::elements::ElementWithMass
template <class Element_>
ClassList > ae108 > elements > ElementWithMass
Extends a given element to also store a mass matrix.
#include <ElementWithMass.h>
Inherits the following classes: ae108::elements::ElementBase
Public Types
Type | Name |
typedef Element_ | Element |
typedef typename ElementWithMass::StiffnessMatrix | MassMatrix |
Public Types inherited from ae108::elements::ElementBase
See ae108::elements::ElementBase
Type | Name |
typedef real_type | Energy |
typedef NodalDisplacements | Forces The forces equal to $d_{ij} E$. Here, d_ij refers to the derivative with respect to jth degree of freedom of the ith node. |
typedef tensor::Tensor< value_type, Size_, DegreesOfFreedom_ > | NodalDisplacements The displacements per node. |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, Size_ *DegreesOfFreedom_, Size_ *DegreesOfFreedom_, Eigen::RowMajor > | StiffnessMatrix The stiffness matrix equal to $d_{ij} d_{kl} E$. Here, d_ij refers to the derivative with respect to jth degree of freedom of the ith node. |
typedef real_type | Time |
typedef RealType_ | real_type |
typedef SizeType_ | size_type |
typedef ValueType_ | value_type |
Public Attributes
Type | Name |
Element | element |
MassMatrix | mass_matrix |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
const Element & | unwrap () const |
Public Functions inherited from ae108::elements::ElementBase
See ae108::elements::ElementBase
Type | Name |
Energy | computeEnergy (const NodalDisplacements & displacements, const Time & time) const Computes the energy for the given displacements. |
Forces | computeForces (const NodalDisplacements & displacements, const Time & time) const Computes the forces for the given displacements. |
StiffnessMatrix | computeStiffnessMatrix (const NodalDisplacements & displacements, const Time & time) const Computes the stiffness matrix for the given displacements. |
Public Static Functions inherited from ae108::elements::ElementBase
See ae108::elements::ElementBase
Type | Name |
constexpr size_type | degrees_of_freedom () noexcept Number of degrees of freedom. |
constexpr size_type | dimension () noexcept The dimension of physical space. |
constexpr size_type | size () noexcept Number of element nodes / shape functions. |
Public Types Documentation
typedef Element
using ae108::elements::ElementWithMass< Element_ >::Element = Element_;
typedef MassMatrix
using ae108::elements::ElementWithMass< Element_ >::MassMatrix = typename ElementWithMass::StiffnessMatrix;
Public Attributes Documentation
variable element
Element ae108::elements::ElementWithMass< Element_ >::element;
variable mass_matrix
MassMatrix ae108::elements::ElementWithMass< Element_ >::mass_matrix;
Public Functions Documentation
function unwrap
inline const Element & ae108::elements::ElementWithMass::unwrap () const
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file elements/src/include/ae108/elements/ElementWithMass.h